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Services that drive quality improvement 

Healthcare is what we do.  As patients demand ever more from their healthcare provider higher standards, more transparency, more holistic care - demonstrating a positive culture of safety, quality and sustained improvement will become a key differentiator.

We are here to help.

Quality and Quality Improvement is a good place to focus leadership attention, as a quality-focused organisation makes a clear statement to patients, families and staff that you are worthy of their trust when they need your help the most.

Our propositions are designed around you and your circumstances but all are focused on enabling the delivery of high-quality care and sustaining improvement. 

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Approaching quality
improvement the NewCourse way

Building capability and confidence to deliver high quality care and enable sustainable change 

Our approach is flexible to your circumstances and capabilities

We believe quality is underpinned by three fundamental elements: leadership, measurement and infrastructure. 


There is no silver bullet to quality and quality improvement.  However, if you get the fundamentals right, your journey will be faster. You need to be honest and clear about where you are as an organisation and to be prepared to invest in your staff to help you get there.

  • Building leadership capability to deliver high quality care and enable change

  • Establishing a positive culture of improvement and patient safety

  • Accountability and governance for care and improvement

  • Make data-led decisions

  • Making data usable today

  • Know your pressure points

  • Understand and monitor your performance

  • Analyse the best approaches

  • Capability in the technical elements of healthcare delivery and change

  • Teaching and coaching programmes

  • Expanding capacity to improve


The approach is tailored to your circumstances – it can help organisations taking their first steps in quality improvement or accreditation, or can be used to help build existing capabilities or accelerate progress.


This capability building approach ends reliance on external providers and builds sustainability into the programmes of work. 


All efforts focus on maximising value in our engagement. 

Our services

 The organisations we work with are generally focused on one of the areas below. However, as our propositions are tailored around your individual goals and circumstances, our team are very happy to talk to you about how we can design something to meet your needs

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  • Diagnostics and Assessment

  • Governance and Leadership

  • Data-led decision making

  • Clinical data programmes
    use of outcomes, benchmarking, demonstrating quality

  • Healthcare strategy
    includes affiliation, new service lines etc

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  • Accreditation programmes

  • Fundamentals of Accreditation 

    • Preparing for audits and accreditation

    • Building knowledge of standards

    • Robust Governance and Patient Safety

    • Programme Management

    • Policy development

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Quality Improvement

  • Fundamentals

  • Technical aspects (of QI)

  • Data for Improvement

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Capability Building

  • Developing senior leadership and programme leads to deliver high quality care

  • Developing CPD and learning programmes

Or get in touch

If the specific areas above do not fit your needs, just let us know!
Our team would be happy to talk to you and understand how our expertise can be tailored to support your specific goals.

You can start a conversation with one of our team today without any commitment, so what are you waiting for?

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